Sunday, February 27, 2011

Long Time No Type

It has been quite a while since my last post and to say the least I have been really busy. Most recent and exciting news is that my rugby team is ranked #9 in the nation in division one :) We will hopefully be going to nationals which is in Minnesota. Hopefully its not too cold there. I haven't been home in nine weeks now and it makes me sad :( I miss everyone and am sick of school. I am ready for this quarter to be over so I can start another one. Next quarter I have 8am classes everyday so I'm going to be a very happy and cheerful person :/ Oh well I'll survive, hopefully. I am going to be taking two Spanish classes, mmw yet again, chemistry and hopefully a freshman seminar. Guess what??? I can't get into the freshman seminar because I am no longer a freshman WAHOOOO!!!! I'm currently contesting my rejection into the class because I am still a first year student, hopefully i get in. If not I can't say that I'll be that upset, it will just be one less thing to do.

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