Sunday, February 27, 2011

Las Vegas

I recently went to Las Vegas to watch the 7s rugby tournament and here are a few pictures
Me and my teammates hanging out by the pool at the Hard Rock Hotel
Here are me and some of my teammates watching the tournament

Me and my big ruggers Lindsay and JoJo :)

Long Time No Type

It has been quite a while since my last post and to say the least I have been really busy. Most recent and exciting news is that my rugby team is ranked #9 in the nation in division one :) We will hopefully be going to nationals which is in Minnesota. Hopefully its not too cold there. I haven't been home in nine weeks now and it makes me sad :( I miss everyone and am sick of school. I am ready for this quarter to be over so I can start another one. Next quarter I have 8am classes everyday so I'm going to be a very happy and cheerful person :/ Oh well I'll survive, hopefully. I am going to be taking two Spanish classes, mmw yet again, chemistry and hopefully a freshman seminar. Guess what??? I can't get into the freshman seminar because I am no longer a freshman WAHOOOO!!!! I'm currently contesting my rejection into the class because I am still a first year student, hopefully i get in. If not I can't say that I'll be that upset, it will just be one less thing to do.