Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Things That I Have Been Doing

It's raining it poring, midterms are boring

Monday, October 11, 2010


Today at practice I was informed that none of these dates are right with the exception of Scrum by the Sea and by the way would anyone like to buy an add to support our team? I have to sell them :(

Preseason Rugby Schedule

Friday, October 8, 2010

Thursday, September 30, 2010


I moved in two Sundays ago and yet it seems as though I have lived her for a much longer. It's been sad, fun exciting, scary, wonderful, horrible, and amazing. Here are some pictures of my room. My classes are good especially my music class. I started rugby today and it was fun and the girls were nice but it made me feel very out of shape. Oh and here are some pics of my friends Christine, Ester, Jessica, and I at Solana Beach.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Today I registered for all of my classes and bought my books. I am taking Making of the Modern World 1, Evolutionary Biology, Political Science, and Folk Music and for these classes I ended up having to purchase 8 books!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Wisdom Teeth

Yesterday afternoon I had all four of my wisdom teeth removed. My face swelled up so that I looked similar to a hairless chipmonk with bloody spit running down its face, luckley I feel much better today. I'm glad that I had it done now instead of at Christmas since I plan to eat lots and lots of delicios food.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Here I am sitting in the car stuck in traffic and these are the pics I took to amuse myself. As you can sort of see I am wearing my new UCSD shirt.

Here is my dinning hall it's called Cafe Ventanas.

Freshman Orientation

Last week I went to freshman orientation at UCSD. I got to stay in the dorms at ERC, which is where I will be living next year. Here are some pics of the dorms.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Yesterday I graduated from Bullard High School, and it still doesn't seem as if it really happened. Sitting on the floor of the SaveMart Center watching my fellow classmate receive their diplomas, I couldn't help but remember years past when it seemed as if this day would never come. Now that it's over and I've been to sober grad (where I won $100) and had a family graduation party, going to UCSD next year feels more real than ever before. I have real things that I'm taking with me, and gift cards to buy thing for my dorm room. It's scary and exciting all at the same time.